Link to apply / enquiry about tennis class 報名或查詢鏈接
初級網球訓練班馬鞍山 – 10嵗以上的學生和青少年,成人
每小時 HKD 400 起 (連教練費用,網球,場租,及其他訓練器材)
This tennis coaching classes are designed for all ages (10 and above) as an activities for them after work and school. It can consider the needs of tennis beginners who even has no basic senses on playing tennis. We can help them to enjoy the fun of the sports at the fastest pace.
Our coaching will cover all major skills of tennis in short period of time in order to help tennis beginners acquired an overall understanding on tennis. Of course, it is impossible to master every single skill in a short period of time, but having an overall understanding will let you improve faster.
Depend on individual’s characteristics, my coaching sessions are provided with flexibility in order to be effective and efficient. Variety of options are prepared for assisting learners to progress steadily on their tennis playability.
在網球訓練班,我們會引入網球最實際和符合效益的訓練方式。有許多方法來打網球, 每個人的習慣和領悟都不一樣,有自己獨特的學習的方式。我們會按適合您的特點去講解,示範,引導,協助練習,為的是你能夠盡快的基本上掌握,並享受能打到網 球的樂趣。再慢慢透過更多的訓練提升本身的技術,網球是一樣簡單難精,並且初期較難起步的運動。但是,一旦學會,以後的樂趣和發展的空間不因年紀所限。
我們的課程,基本上由網球的基本技巧訓練組成,並透過簡化的練習形式的網球比賽,讓學員在較快的時間內對網球有較全面的理解。除了硬的技術和比賽的勝負,我 們更強調及早培養幾個網球運動極重要的素質包括網球眼,球感,準確,穩定,靈活,步法,球場禮儀。我們相信,每一個學員,特別那些年輕的,總有一天會超越 我們的這些教練。而到了那個時候,我們已經幫不了他了,卻希望我們曾經教過的東西,仍可以成為他們自我啟發和進步的基礎。
在網球訓練班,我們會引入網球最實際和符合效益的訓練方式。有許多方法來打網球, 每個人的習慣和領悟都不一樣,有自己獨特的學習的方式。我們會按適合您的特點去講解,示範,引導,協助練習,為的是你能夠盡快的基本上掌握,並享受能打到網 球的樂趣。再慢慢透過更多的訓練提升本身的技術,網球是一樣簡單難精,並且初期較難起步的運動。但是,一旦學會,以後的樂趣和發展的空間不因年紀所限。
我們的課程,基本上由網球的基本技巧訓練組成,並透過簡化的練習形式的網球比賽,讓學員在較快的時間內對網球有較全面的理解。除了硬的技術和比賽的勝負,我 們更強調及早培養幾個網球運動極重要的素質包括網球眼,球感,準確,穩定,靈活,步法,球場禮儀。我們相信,每一個學員,特別那些年輕的,總有一天會超越 我們的這些教練。而到了那個時候,我們已經幫不了他了,卻希望我們曾經教過的東西,仍可以成為他們自我啟發和進步的基礎。
- 費用:每小時 HKD 400 (學生價連教練費用,網球,場租)
- 特別提供網球發球機,提升學習及練習效率
- 大量新球供練習
- 形式:個別一對一,一對二的網球訓練,也可以自組小組
- 對象:初學網球及中級水平的朋友
- 地點:馬鞍山, 沙田,西貢,大埔
- 可供選擇時段:星期一至星期五,早上9點至9點
- 分時段收費:
- 9 am – 9 pm : HKD 400 / HKD 250 (二人班)
- 地點方便 – 離開馬鐵站只是3分鐘。
- 安全之上 – 不因樂極忘形,導致意外或者受傷。
- 對於小組網球班,是小班教學 – 最多2人。
- 因人施教 – 按適合您的特點去講解,示範,引導,協助練習。
- 高效率練習 – 全面練習,只要能基本掌握,全部技術一起練。
- 對於個人網球班,提供彈性預約系統 – 無須過早預付學費或者預留時間,有空有場,當天都可以安排。
Link to apply / enquiry about tennis class 報名或查詢鏈接
Features of our coaching:
- Quantitative method – we can provide numbers for parent understanding on the progress of their children.
- Use of ball feeding machine – we have ball machine for helping our students to learn and practise the skill.
- Focus on working skills – can play in real game situation instead of can only hit the balls from coach.
- Focus on balance development of skills – instead of spending long time to develop one skill well, we prefer training our student can execute a few essential skills though not perfect.
- Focus on fun of playing instead of perfectionism.
- Focus on recreational instead of competitive tennis.
- Focus on quality instead of quantity.
- Focus on accuracy and consistency instead of power and speed.
- Focus on two-way communication and sharing of coaching experience instead of coaching at coach’s text book methods.
We offer three kinds of tennis training classes for beginner with different needs. They are summarized as below.
個人持續班 | 二人小組持續班 | 個人短期全方位體驗班 | |
適合人員 | 10嵗以上初學者 (期望針對性練習) | 10嵗以上初學者 (但有同水平組員) | 成人從未接觸網球 希望短時間全面體驗 以決定是否成爲長期的運動 |
教練學員比例 | 1:1 | 1:2 | 1:1 |
時間 | 彈性可商議 | 需要固定日期時間 | 彈性可商議 |
内容 | 先處理學員較需要的技術 | 有固定練習的程序 並平衡兩位學員的需要 | 不求學員短時間掌握特定技術 著重全面體驗網球基本 |
每節時數 | 1小時 | 1小時 | 1小時 |
費用 | HK$400 (有優惠時段) HK$400(晚上開燈) * 可以按次預先繳費 | HK$1000 (日間) (沒有晚上時段) * 需要預先繳交4節學費 | HK$1800 (可以日間或晚上) * 需要預先繳交全部學費 |
Link to apply / enquiry about tennis class 報名或查詢鏈接
Payment Methods:
- Prepaid 1 or 4 sessions (depends which class enrolled) in advance – can be refunded the in-completed sessions without condition with at least 7 days notice.
- Payment methods:
- Bank transfer
- Payme
- Weixin Pay
- AliPay
- Cash
- We will provide receipt with tentative class schedule for reference.
- The fee mentioned above include balls and court and coach. There should be no extra charge. Students are assumed to bring along their tennis racquet. In case, some beginners have not yet bought their racquet, we can provide one for temporary use.
Arrangement of classes:
- Classes follow the schedule compromise at the beginning of each payment cycle.
- Classes are subjected to modify if required, but this requires at best 7 days early notice.
- Classes are basically cancelled under raining or even floor wet to a dangerous extent. In this case, the cancelled class will not be counted as completed and will be compensated later.
- Classes are not necessarily to be the same day of week and same period during the day, but it is better to keep consistent. Consistency is one of the critical skill for a good tennis player.
Other services:
- Letter of Attendance for student : We can provide official letter of proofing attendance for students if required. There is no any requirement on amount of attendance, we will just mention the truth.
- 電話/Whatsapp: +852 9865-4457
- 電子郵箱:shatintenniscoach@gmail.com
Link to apply / enquiry about tennis class 報名或查詢鏈接
- 火炭:骏景园,御龙山,华翠园
- 大围:名城
- 大埔:比华利山,康乐园
- 中文大学:鹿茵山庄,白石角,天賦海灣
- 马鞍山:海典居,海典湾,帝琴湾,观澜雅轩,听涛雅苑,雅典居,翠拥华庭,银湖天峰,天与海,岚岸,迎海,嘉華星濤灣,新港城
- 沙田:第一城,帝堡城,碧濤花園,溱岸,威爾斯醫院
- 西贡