Category: Equipment

Equipment of Pros

Tennis Pros & Their Strings Here are the strings the world’s top tennis players, (and a few recently retired players), are using in their rackets, together with the rackets they’re…

Recommended Strings

Polyester Wilson NXT Duo II Hybrid Tecnifibre Pro Red Code Multifilament Tecnifibre NRG2 Synthetic Gut Wilson NXT 17 Natural

Tennis Stringing

All About Strings & Stringing“Strings are the Soul of a Racquet”author unknown Strings may be the soul of racquet, but to many players they are just an afterthought. Players will…

Tennis Racquet

Racquet Grip Size. Adult grip sizes range from 4 to 4 & 5/8ths. This is a measure in inches to match the size of handle to the line from the…