Year: 2014

Reducing overuse injuries

Overuse injuries in tennis There are multiple causes of overuse injuries in tennis, the three primary reasons being inadequate rest and recovery, incorrect and inadequate tennis-specific conditioning, and incorrect grips…

Reducing overuse injuries

Overuse injuries in tennis There are multiple causes of overuse injuries in tennis, the three primary reasons being inadequate rest and recovery, incorrect and inadequate tennis-specific conditioning, and incorrect grips…

Tennis-specific dynamic stretching exercises

Because tennis involves rapid movement in different directions, tennis players need to perform stretching exercises that involve many different parts of the body. The United States Tennis Association’s player development…

Dynamic stretching

The second part of a warm-up regimen, to be performed immediately after the aerobic warm-up and as soon as possible before a practice or match, involves dynamic stretching (stretching muscles…

Basic forehand groundstroke

        Key points: – 70% of stroke in tennis is using forehand to play groundstroke. This is utmost important to master the skill consistently.